QSAR structure-property model

Predicting the inhibitory activity of molecules
artificial intelligence
Software that predicts the inhibitory activity of molecules using QSAR models. Half-inhibition concentration, binary classification is identified.
Research time: 1 target - 1 month
Gradient bousting of symmetric solving trees is used.
Result: list with molecules and selected inhibitors + IP analysis and ADMET.
Accelerates preclinical development of medication.
Reduces inhibitor selection time per 1 molecule from 10 seconds to 0.01 seconds
5-6x less
reduces time and resources to obtain inhibitor list
increases preclinical studies accuracy
Product benefits
Proprietary architecture
Ability to work with a small dataset
High prediction accuracy
Building a QSAR model for the biological target MCL-1 for ChemRar
2.12.2022 / media.innopolis.university
QSAR is a method that is used to predict the biological activity of molecules based on their structural properties.
The customer provides the following information: the biomimic of interest, its properties, information on whether IP validation is needed.
ADMET filtering, evaluation by MCE-18, RO5, novelty, SA/ReRSA scores and T-indexes.
The customer receives a document with sorted molecules for one target, where the following are presented: activity of molecules, toxicity of molecules, patent purity testing, retrosynthesis possibilities.
With docking, approximately 10 seconds are spent per molecule, the QSAR model reduces this time to 0.01 seconds.
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